Thursday, April 17, 2014

19th exhibition of student photography

Our MAGIC Comenius students will take part to the 19th exhibition of student photography organised by the Photography Centre of Thessaloniki. Fifty one pictures taken by our recent Comenius visits in the Netherlands and Slovenia are going to be hosted at the exhibition hall of the Architecture Centre of Thessaloniki starting from the 2nd of May.

Here are the student photos that are taking part in the exhibition:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Questions from Thessaloniki first year students to all of you!

The first year students of the 28th Gymnasium of Thessaloniki recorded some questions for al of you. So please feel free to watch their videos and answer their questions. You may leave an answer to one or more of the questions. This will make this part of our project more interesting and fun for other students in our schools. Plus you will get to know more people and why not, start getting ready for a new project!

When you answer, please say whose question you are answering mentioning their name and your name as well. This makes more personal your interaction and gives a more clear answer to the person who asked the question. Don't you think so?

The videos are embedded below so you can access them from this page. Alternatively you can jump to our YouTube channel to have an overview of our students' questions.

An answer and a question for Spain

A question for Slovakia

A question for Germany

A question for Slovenia

A question for Norway

A question for the Netherlands

A question for Germany

If you would like to answer one of the questions then click on the video, go to our YouTube channel and either comment by writing some text or, even better, you could record your answer and upload it as a video comment to YouTube.

So, happy answering!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thank you Slovenia!

Our visit to Slovenia was an excellent experience for all participants. Students had the chance to meet each other, visit the city of Koper and the capital of the country Ljubljana.

They enjoyed walking to Pacug, Portorož and Piran and taste local dishes. They visited the partner school in Koper, the town hall, VinaKoper, a local vineyard, the RTV Koper – Capodistria and the local newspaper Primorske, the Faculty of Media Studies in Koper, the local radio station Radio Capris, the Vivarium and Postojnska jama.

We thank our Slovenian partners for their hospitality and great effort they put for our wonderful time in their county!